Все элементы накладываются в тропинку прямо из сети, а сам план дозволено всякий раз пополнять чем-то новым. Финальный продукт - что-то большее, чем примитивно видео, за счет того, что оно интерактивно и включает в себя прямые ссылки на применяемый материал Помимо того, дозволено создавать клипы с нуля иди редактировать теснее существующие, указав ссылку на YouTube, Vimeo либо Soundcloud, импортировать аудио/видео с ПК, вставлять картинки. Когда работа над роликом будет закончена, Popcorn Maker выдаст код, тот, что дозволено встроить на всякий сайт.
Noncommercial organisation Mozilla Foundation, the developer of browser Firefox, has let out the simple and free program for creation of interactive videoclips with the subsequent publication in the Network, informs ITAR-TASS. The appendix which has received name Popcorn Maker 1.0, is written entirely on HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. It works directly in the browser. By data техноблога Webmonkey, help Popcorn Maker on a video data it is possible to impose images, to move cards from Google Maps, to insert citations from Twitter and articles from Wikipedia. All elements are imposed in a path directly from a network, and the project it is possible to fill up each time with something new. An end-product – something большее, than is simple video because it online and includes direct references on a used material Besides, it is possible to create clips from zero go to edit already existing, having specified the reference on YouTube, Vimeo or Soundcloud, to import audio/video from the personal computer, to insert pictures. When work on a roller will be finished, Popcorn Maker will give out a code which can be built in on any site. One year ago engineers and designers Mozilla have let out JavaScript-library under name Popcorn which offered some interesting ways for creation of video and remixes. On the basis of this library the video editor also has been created. Mozilla within the limits of the project Webmaker also lets out and some other appendices facilitating work with its browser. For example, X-Ray Goggles allows to look and change an initial code of any web page, and Thimble - to create simple sites.
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