Эксперимент группы девятиклассниц из Дании привлек интерес экспертов со всего мира.
Пять девченок решили испытать, каким образом станет воздействовать излучение от wi-fi роутера на рост растений. Результаты опыта оказались более чем наглядны - большая часть посаженных растений не сумели выжить, находясь в конкретной близости к wi-fi-точке, сообщает abc news.Пять воспитанниц одной из датских школ поместили 6 лотков с зёрнами кресс-салата в комнату с 2-мя маршрутизаторами беспроводного веба, а еще 6 поставили в обыкновенной комнате без доступа к wi-fi. За 12 дней опыта семечки в 6 лотках, стоявшие в изолированной комнате, росли привычно, в то время как семечки, на какие воздействовало излучение от роутеров, подрасти не сумели.
Больше того, некие из ростков становились коричневыми и погибали. " Это вызвало оживленную дискуссию в Дании сравнительно возможной угрозы разных устройств, таких как мобильные телефоны и wi-fi-оборудование, для здоровья человека ", - заявил преподаватель биологии Ким Хорсвейд. После того, как стало известно об этом опыте, исследованием заинтересовался доктор Каролинского института в Швеции.
По словам Хорсвейда, " он, возможно, повторит опыт, только в подлинной научной лаборатории и со всей серьезностью ". Идея поставить такой необыкновенный опыт возникла у школьниц после того, как они увидели, что если дремать вблизи с мобильным телефоном, то на следующий день становится труднее сосредоточиваться. Так как у них не было оборудования, чтоб испытать человечий мозг на взаимодействие с излучением от техники, то воспитанницы решили проверить свои догадки на растениях. Многие предположили, что излучение от беспроводных устройств совсем не виновато в смерти кресс-салата, так как он мог умереть в следствии температуры, исходящей от устройств, поблизости которых стояли лотки.
Однако, по словам девушек, они поддерживали влажность в лотках, а еще контролировали температуру в обеих комнатах. Аналогичное исследование было проведено три года назад в Нидерландах, когда ученые увидели, что у некоторых деревьев в деловых районах стали отпадать " кусочки коры ". Ученые решили вести исследование: 20 ясеней в течение 3-х месяцев подверглись разным видам облучения.
Цель опыта была выяснить, как деревья отнесутся к wi-fi сигналам. После облучения деревья начали обнаруживать обычные симптомы " лучевой болезни ", к примеру, свинцовый блеск на листьях.
Experiment of group of ninth-graders from Denmark has drawn attention of scientists from every corner of the globe. Five girls have decided to check up, how from Wi-Fi a router radiation will influence growth of plants. Results of experiment have appeared more than are evident - the majority of the planted plants could not survive, being in immediate proximity to a Wi-Fi-point, informs ABC News.
Five schoolgirls of one of the Danish schools have placed six trays with kress-salad seeds in a room with two routers of the wireless Internet, and six more have put in a usual room without access to Wi-Fi. For 12 days of experiment seeds in six trays, standing in the isolated room, grew normally while seeds which radiation from routers influenced, could not grow. It is more than that, some of sprouts became brown and died.
"It has caused brisk discussion in Denmark concerning potential danger of various devices, such as mobile phones and the Wi-Fi-equipment, for health of the person", - the teacher of biology of Kim Horsvejd has declared.
After it became known about this experiment, the professor of Karolinsky university has become interested in Sweden in research. According to Horsvejda, "he, possibly, will repeat experiment, only in the present scientific laboratory and with all gravity".
The idea to put such unusual experiment has appeared at schoolgirls after they have noticed that if to sleep near to a mobile phone next day it becomes heavier to concentrate. As they did not have an equipment to check up a human brain on interaction with radiation from technics schoolgirls have decided to test the guesses on plants.
Many have assumed that radiation from wireless devices is not so guilty in death of kress-salad as he could die because of the temperature proceeding from devices near to which there were trays. However, according to girls, they supported humidity in trays, and also supervised temperature in both rooms.
Similar research has been spent three years ago in the Netherlands when researchers have noticed that at some trees in business areas "bark pieces" began to fall off. Scientists have decided to conduct research: 20 ash-trees within three months have undergone to various kinds of an irradiation. The experiment purpose was to learn, how trees will concern to Wi-Fi to signals. After an irradiation trees have started to show typical signs of "radiation sickness", for example, lead shine on leaves.
Five schoolgirls of one of the Danish schools have placed six trays with kress-salad seeds in a room with two routers of the wireless Internet, and six more have put in a usual room without access to Wi-Fi. For 12 days of experiment seeds in six trays, standing in the isolated room, grew normally while seeds which radiation from routers influenced, could not grow. It is more than that, some of sprouts became brown and died.
"It has caused brisk discussion in Denmark concerning potential danger of various devices, such as mobile phones and the Wi-Fi-equipment, for health of the person", - the teacher of biology of Kim Horsvejd has declared.
After it became known about this experiment, the professor of Karolinsky university has become interested in Sweden in research. According to Horsvejda, "he, possibly, will repeat experiment, only in the present scientific laboratory and with all gravity".
The idea to put such unusual experiment has appeared at schoolgirls after they have noticed that if to sleep near to a mobile phone next day it becomes heavier to concentrate. As they did not have an equipment to check up a human brain on interaction with radiation from technics schoolgirls have decided to test the guesses on plants.
Many have assumed that radiation from wireless devices is not so guilty in death of kress-salad as he could die because of the temperature proceeding from devices near to which there were trays. However, according to girls, they supported humidity in trays, and also supervised temperature in both rooms.
Similar research has been spent three years ago in the Netherlands when researchers have noticed that at some trees in business areas "bark pieces" began to fall off. Scientists have decided to conduct research: 20 ash-trees within three months have undergone to various kinds of an irradiation. The experiment purpose was to learn, how trees will concern to Wi-Fi to signals. After an irradiation trees have started to show typical signs of "radiation sickness", for example, lead shine on leaves.
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